2020年5月11日 星期一

Google Ads keyword search

To pass Google Ads keyword search text 
I recommend watching following youtube videos instead of browsing the official site 
and before taking the test, i recommend checking at least 50 of their 
All 150 test questions&answers

Responsive Search Ads : 設定好15個Headline, 4個Description ,系統自動排列組合找出最有效率的

Dynamic Search Ads(DSA):  set up 3 ads per ad group

use page feed

Bid Strategy:

Manual CPC Bidding:Best for Experts managing search campaigns with clicks or conversion goals

Enhanced CPC:uses your manual bids and automatically applies adjustments at auction time based on predictive modeling except audiences and devices, best for campaign already 25+ conversion/month(enough data for google to learn from)

tCPA(Target CPA):Best for High conversion volume (200+/month) stable campaigns – good for search, display, and video

tROAS(Target ROAS):Best for Shopping campaigns or variable conversion value campaigns where you have 200+ conversions per month

Maximize Conversions:Best for Filling your ad budget while getting as many conversions as possible at any CPA(watch to any keywords that are getting high bids and not yielding conversions)

Maximize Conversion Value:Best for Filling your ad budget while driving as much conversion value as possible at any ROAS

Maximize clicks:Best for Getting as many clicks as possible for your budget without regard for the value of those clicks(Google will tend to focus on lower-cost keywords to generate max clicks)

Target Search Page Location(obsolete):Best for Getting maximum impression share/exposure for your search ads

Target outranking Share(obsolete):Best For: Getting more impressions and clicks than a specific competitor(domain)

Target impression share:Best for Showing your ads in particular places on the page and achieving specific impression share goals

PS.how google counts impression?

vCPM (Viewable Cost Per Thousand):Best for Display campaigns with frequency and reach goals for branding

eCPM using RTB(real-time bidding) for ad spaces on display ads only?

CPV(cost per view of 15s):skippable videos ads on youtube ,Best For: YouTube TrueView video ads – most useful for influencing decision making

UAC(Universal App Campaign):Best For: UACs  Choose CPI(Cost Per Install) to pay for installs, CPA(Cost Per Action) to pay for purchases, or ROAS to pay for a target return on ad spend

Non-Last-Click Attribution Conversions 
eCTR:expected click through rate


Structured Snippet extension : preset 12 header types and can add 10 values , for max 25 characters

Callout extension:whereas you can add 20 callout texts of max 25 characters

what if google uses up your budget before the last billing day ? there'd be potential waste since i may miss opportunity


Customer Match : when you reach life spend over 50000USD , you can upload the info(email, name,phone number, zip code ... )of your customer to google , it'll find out who the people really are and their more detailed infos.

Remarketing: list of people having interacted with your website (converted, browsed...)from google analytics , you'd like to target them when you have promotion , discount , sales or new products coming out

Similar audience :automatically generated when you have customer and remarking lists.

Custom Intent , In-Market audiences : enter keywords or URL related to the products this audience is actively searching

Affinity Intent:add at least 5 Interests, URLs, APPs

PS.1.in Audience manager you can create custom affinity/custom intent (you think of some or get from SEO research )  2. Intent is more precise than Affinity

Life Events:Business Creation, College Graduation ,Job Change ,Marriage ,Moving ,Purchasing a Home , Retirement

Detailed Demographics:Parental Status(info of kids),Marital Status,Education,Homeownership

Demographics:Gender ,Age ,Parental Status ,Household Income

Performance Planner
Automated bidding